1553 poze   216375 vizite
Emilien Guillot
Emilien Guillot
Souvenir du Dr. Jamain (urcator)
Souvenir du Dr. Jamain (urcator)
Souvenir du Dr. Jamain (urcator)
Souvenir du Dr. Jamain (urcator)
Isaac Pereire (Urcator); Bred by Armand Garçon. Burbon. Climbing. Average rating: EXCELLENT. Strong, raspberry fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height (185 to 250 cm).  Width (120 to 185 cm)
Isaac Pereire (Urcator)
James Gallway (urcator)
James Gallway (urcator)
James Gallway (urcator)
James Gallway (urcator)
Antike 89 (Urcator)
Antike 89 (Urcator)
Blue for You (tufa); Bred by Peter J. James. Floribunda. None to mild, opinions vary fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height of (90 to 200 cm).  Width of (120 cm).
Blue for You (tufa)
Charles Austin (tufa)
Charles Austin (tufa)
Lions Rose
Lions Rose
Lions Rose (Tufa)
Lions Rose (Tufa)
Manuel Canovas (Tufa)
Manuel Canovas (Tufa)

Comentarii album • 4
CELLA1963 16 June 2020  
Super frumosi
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