1553 poze   216198 vizite
Eustacia Vye (tufa)
Eustacia Vye (tufa)
Eustacia Vye..
Eustacia Vye..
Eustacia Vye (tufa)
Eustacia Vye (tufa)
Grace (tufa); Apricot or apricot blend Shrub.
Registration name: AUSkeppy
Exhibition name: Grace ® ™
Bred by David C. H. Austin (1926-2018) (United Kingdom, 2001).
Introduced in United States by David Austin Roses
Grace (tufa)
Scepter'd Isle
Scepter'd Isle
Mme Anisette
Mme Anisette
Madame Anisette
Madame Anisette
Hot Chocolate (tufa)
Hot Chocolate (tufa)
Purple Tiger
Purple Tiger
Eddy Mitchell (tufa)
Eddy Mitchell (tufa)
Minerva. Floribunda; Bred by Martin Vissers. Floribunda.  Strong, sweet fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height (70 to 80 cm).
Minerva. Floribunda

Comentarii album • 4
CELLA1963 16 June 2020  
Super frumosi
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