1552 poze   216123 vizite
Phillippe Candeloro (tufa)
Phillippe Candeloro (tufa)
The Pillgrim  (urcator); Bred by David C. H. Austin. Average rating: EXCELLENT! Mild, spice, tea fragrance.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height (105 to 305 cm).  Width (150 cm).
The Pillgrim (urcator)
The Pillgrim  (urcator)
The Pillgrim (urcator)
The Pillgrim  (urcator)
The Pillgrim (urcator)
The Pillgrim  (urcator)
The Pillgrim (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Crown Princess Margareta (urcator)
Susan William Ellis
Susan William Ellis
Bathsheba (urcator); Producator- David Austin. Tip-Urcator. Parfum-Puternic. Inflorire repetata. Inaltime 250..300cm
Bathsheba (urcator)
Alba Meidiland (urcator); Rating: EXCELENT.
Producator Marie-Louise (Louisette) Meilland (Paolino)(Franța, 1986).
 Formă mică, foarte plină (peste 41 de petale),
 Înflorire continuă pe tot parcursul verii
Alba Meidiland (urcator)

Comentarii album • 4
CELLA1963 16 June 2020  
Super frumosi
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