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Xavier de Fraisinette (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
Bred by Dominique Massad (France)
Strong fragrance.  
Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Height (up to 80 cm).
Xavier de Fraisinette (Tufa)
Gospel. (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT.  
Introduced in Germany by Rosen-Tantau/Tantau Roses in 2012 as 'Gospel'.
Hybrid Tea.  
Purple - violet.  Strong fragrance.  Average diameter 4.25".  Very lar
Gospel. (Tufa)
Gartenspass (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
Orange blend Floribunda.
Exhibition name: Gartenspaß ®
Bred by Tim Hermann Kordes (Germany, 2001).
Introduced in Australia by Treloar Roses as 'Garden Delight'.
Gartenspass (Tufa)
Gartenspass (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
Orange blend Floribunda.
Exhibition name: Gartenspaß ®
Bred by Tim Hermann Kordes (Germany, 2001).
Introduced in Australia by Treloar Roses as 'Garden Delight'.
Gartenspass (Tufa)
Foetida Bicolor (Urcator); Introduced in Australia by C. H. Halstead in 1899 as 'Austrian Copper'.
Hybrid Foetida, Hybrid Lutea, Species / Wild.  
Orange-red, yellow reverse, yellow stamens. [Yellow blend.].  Strong,
Foetida Bicolor (Urcator)
Jardins de Bagatelle (Tufa)
Jardins de Bagatelle (Tufa)
Papa Meilland (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
Dark red Hybrid Tea.
Bred by Alain Meilland (France)
Hybrid Tea.  
Strong, old rose fragrance.
Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Height (90 to 120 cm).
Papa Meilland (Tufa)
The Prince (Tufa)
The Prince (Tufa)
Red Leonardo Da Vinci; Bred by Alain Meilland  (France).
Prolific, continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season.  
Height (70 to 150 cm).
Red Leonardo Da Vinci
Midnight Blue (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT.  
Bred by Tom Carruth (United States)
Strong, clove, spice fragrance.   
Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
  Height of (60 to 80 cm).
Midnight Blue (Tufa)
Midnight Blue (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT. Bred by Tom Carruth (United States) Shrub. Strong, clove, spice fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height of (60 to 80 cm).
Midnight Blue (Tufa)
Pullman Orient Express (Tufa); EXCELLENT.  
Hybrid Tea.  
Blooms in flushes throughout the season. 
Height (120 to 185 cm).
Pullman Orient Express (Tufa)

Comentarii album • 4
CELLA1963 16 June 2020  
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